We’ve been on a crazy quinoa kick in our house lately.
Mainly because I’m eating a predominately vegetarian diet these days and quinoa is packed with protein & other nutrients, but also because its just so damn good and there’s so many things you can do with it!
It’s kind of like the little black dress of food, amirite?
I’ve started using left over quinoa to experiment and make different meals for Angel Baby.
And last night, I nailed it!!!
She couldn’t get enough of her quinoa dish.
Babies are finickyyyyy, so anytime I knock it out of the park with one of her meals, I have to share the recipe!
If you’re looking for something new for your babe, give this one a shot…

What you'll need:
- Quinoa
- Organic Vegetable Broth
- Organic Avocado
- Mixer
1. I started with about 1/2 cup of left over quinoa that was originally made with water — put the quinoa in the mixer
2. Add 2 - 3 ounces of organic veggie broth (or more depending on the consistency you’d like for your baby)
3. Add a few avocado slices
4. Mix until creamy (if you'd like a more creamy consistency, add more avocado)
5. That's it!
Here’s to hoping more of it ends up in your little one’s tummy than on your floor. ;-P
Love Always.