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UPDATE No Marie Kondo but gotta get creative living at Gigi's

Jasmine Norwood-Dioulo

While Hubs is on work travel in the Middle East -- Gosh, I miss my partner in crime -- Sav and I have been staying at my mom's in my hometown of San Diego! Only the most beautiful city in the nation -- Not that I'm bias ;- )

As grateful as I am for this season, believe you me, it was no easy task condensing a nursery and a master bedroom into a guest room at Gigi’s! BUT where there’s a mama, there’s a way! Amiright?!

So whether you’re downsizing, heading to the parentals’ for an extended stay, or making space in your current home for more babieeeessss, you might want to check out these must haves I now swear by:

  • Soft Fabric Dresser Drawer Organizer Set

  • Now, if you know me, you know I’m probably the furthest thing from Marie Kondo, ha but as I've learned, when you're in close quarters, you've gotta tighten up! As for fitting our clothes into one dresser and one closet, these drawer and closet organizers have been my saving grace, especially for teeny tiny baby cothes! They're less than $20 on Amazon and make a world of a difference.

So these are just a few of the staples that have gotten us started. As Angel Baby grows I'm going to have to come up with some more creative ways to best utilize our space. So I'll be sure to update this list in a few months! In the meantime, please, let me know if you have any favorite travel/extended stay/downsizing must-haves for baby!


Savvy Girl is 16 months old right now! She's everywhere, in everything, and she's SO MUCH FUN!

As promised, I'm sharing more of my favorite items and life-hacks that have helped me keep my mom's house from looking like Gymboree and my bedroom (which I share with Sav) from looking like something from an episode of "Hoarders".

  • Plastic Tubs

  • Walmart has these tubs in various sizes for as low as $4/each! I bought two small ones to hold all of Sav’s shoes. I also have a couple medium ones on the top shelf of our closet (as our dresser is filled to the brim) to hold her clothes that she doesn’t quite fit yet and two larger ones up there that hold my work out clothes.

  • Mainstays Turquoise Flexible Tub

  • These were $5 each at Walmart and I’ve seen similar products at Target. I bought two of these tubs to hold Savvy’s toys. We've tucked the bins behind a reclining chair in the living room so they aren’t in the way. They’re a nice pop of color and they make for easy toy access for Sav. She actually enjoys picking things up and putting them in her bins! (As long as we sing the clean-up song of course). And If I can’t find my keys or phone, I generally find them in one of these bins. Ha​

  • Repurposed Bookshelf

  • As you know, Angel Baby and I have turned Mom’s guest room into our little living/sleeping space. She has a beautiful, old, wooden, floor to ceiling bookshelf in the room filled with classic reads. Pure magic. As much as I loved the history and character the books hold in their pages, a girl had to make room for her footwear! I recently cleared a couple shelves, boxed up the books, put them in the garage, and lined the shelves with my shoes! A vintage piece that's a space saver, allows for quick/easy to access, and its FREE?! Perfect.

I'm keeping a running list so I'll be sure to update this as Sav grows and our space doesn't. ;-)

Love Always.


P.S. This is not an ad or endorsement, just sharing these #momlifehacks from one mama to another because that's what #momfriends are for :-)

Sending you love!

*Pictures taken by San Diego photographers:

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